With all the URL shortener opinions lately, there’s been a lot of discussion of the usefulness of these services. Do they degrade the value of links and the Internet? Do they destroy usability? Will they cause an LHC-style black hole? What’s a Twitter-loving guy to do?
Build your own, of course.
Today I’m introducing jusr.us, the newest and only officially-sanctioned Justin Russell URL shortener. (Officially-sanctioned means that I’ll be the only one creating jusr.us URLs.)
Check out some of the best links ever!
- jusr.us/bcb4s – BarCampBoston4 sessions this weekend
- jusr.us/jr – the new justinrussell.com
- jusr.us/aB – Molly plays “MyHope”
Is there any real use in doing something like this? On the technical side of things, sure, there are a few advantages. But really, it’s just a reminder that we live and work in a great space on the web and have to remember to have fun every once in a while.